People who inspire us: Anton Larsen Paya – young talented architect

This young Spanish-Danish architect, who grew up in the lake-area in Lombardy in Northern Italy with the view on Lake Magiore and the Italian Alps, have had a comet career after he graduated from the EsArq-UIC School of Architecture in Barcelona in 2012.

He is now working for the award winning offices Peter Rich Architects and Light Earth Designs.


We are of course inspired by a person who at a young age and with determination are able to choose the right projects and deliver a very high quality of Architectural art and design.

The inspiration only gets bigger as you take a look at some of the projects Anton has been involved in. The keyword is SUSTAINABILITY. When Anton first went to Rwanda he was involved in the Akumunigo Housing Development in Kigali of 2750 houses and civic functions. The first high density, high quality, low carbon housing development in the country for mid and low income families.

 Anton is about to finish the work on a refurbishment of an office in Chicago, where spacial ideas from Africa is associated with the developed and modern city (i.e. the way the aedicules are configured is learned from a South African tribe called Endebele).

Here are some of the projects Anton is working on. You can see more on Light Earth Design or by visiting Anton's web page .